Monday, November 1, 2010

No Trick's but a lot of Treats...

It was definately a Happy Halloween! Family and friends filled our house and we all had a blast watching the kiddos load up on treats and parade around the block in the costumes. As you can see, Joel was Spiderman, Avery was a Fairy, and Gracelyn was a Pumpkin. But the cuteness didn't stop there... Noah, Joel's buddy, was an Elephant, and Elliana, Avery's buddy, was a Panda. Oh, and of course Mark and I both dressed up. You can tell what I was, but it may be hard to tell that Mark was... He was Martin Luther! So funny, and sooo Mark :)

It's just the best thing ever to see our kids truly enjoying traditions like this. Watching them run from house to house (even Avery totally understood) saying "Trick or Treat", and "Happy Halloween". Joel is old enough to have been waiting with great anticipation for the day to finally arrive, and when it did, oh was he ready for it! However, Avery needs about another year to get to this stage. But I will say that as soon as she figured out what was going on... she never skipped a beat! I am so thankful to have these memories to hold on to for the rest of my life. God is so good to me, and shows me His love and grace each day that I get to love on the family He's given me. Thank you Lord for good times with our most loved ones.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone looks so cute!! Nathanael just emailed me a link to your blog--so fun!!


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