Friday, January 28, 2011

Anonymous blessing

We decided late in the day that, after being cooped up in the house for days fighting off a cold, we would get out for a bit and head to our family's favorite pizza place for dinner. With Mark still looking for work, money is tight but sometimes a good pizza night out is just what the Doctor ordered! Our meal was as good as ever and the kids were on their best behavior while enjoying the live music and people watching (a.k.a staring). With tummies full and Gracey giving all the signs for "it's bed time", we started to clean up and asked for the check. To our sweet surprise, our waitress began to explain to us that a man sitting behind us earlier, had paid for our meal. She explained that he had just left and that he wanted to remain anonymous. Mark and I both with instant gratitude and thankfulness to God that He would use someone we don't even know to bless us this way. That God would move in somebody's heart to do this at that very moment, was further evidence to me that we have a loving God who provides for His children.

Thank you Jesus and I know you too will show your love and kindness to the man that did this for us.

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