Sunday, March 6, 2011

She's TWO darn cute

As she grows older with each new day, my prayer for Avery is this. That she comes to know and love her savior Jesus Christ. I want for her heart to long for the Truth of God's Word and that she would cling tightly to it in both hard times and happy times. I pray that her hope is found in the Lord and not in the things of this world. I want her to see this world as only temporary, and that until she is called home for eternity, her life glorifies God. Thank you Lord for our precious Avery Anne. She brings our family joy and a depth of love that cannot be replaced. May Your will be done in her life, Amen.

Around Avery's birthday (Jan 19), things were just so hectic and I couldn't find the time to complete a post about it. I have had a draft saved for a while now, but finally decided I've got to share something. Plus, with all the Avery drama in the last week I got to think'n about her birth and life over the last two years.

I remember this like it was yesterday...

First Kisses
Another tiny blessing

My First Girl 
Sleeping Beauty

So, as I spent OVER AN HOUR looking through old pictures of Miss Avery Anne, I came across this set of adorable shots. She has been the expressive girl that she is today since the moment she was born. 
These were taken at about 8 months old.
 She is the Ham of the family :)
 The number of ways this girl can move her little face is amazing.
 She truly is the most happy, goofy, playful, sweet and tender little girl I've ever met.
 "I love every little round and squishy part of you Annie Girl."- Mom

And now...
Our little Avery Anne is TWO!!!!!

Here are some pictures from her Birthday Dinner
The Birthday Girl Cake!
(I made it from scratch and it was a hit!)
She's got the candle thing down!
We are so blessed to have her. Thank You Jesus
Still a silly goose
The party girls!

We love you sweet Avery Anne. You are such a special little girl and I hope that's just how you felt on your 2nd Birthday! 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lost and Found

You ever have one of those days (or in this case, moments) that makes you feel like you just lost 5 five year off your life? Yeah, well...

What started off being a swell afternoon meet-up at the mall with some friends and their kids, ended up coming extremely close to my biggest nightmare.  Avery vanished.

Between me and my 3 girlfriends, there where 7 children to watch who were all under the age of 4. Not to mention that 2 of these are babies that had to be held, and on top of that, 2 of my friends are very pregnant... Sorry to through out so many numbers there, but this just puts the situation into perspective for you. It was crazy!

Needless to say, the play area in the mall was crawling with kiddos. We were all sort of keeping our eyes on the kids that belonged to our group, even though it is only natural that I was keeping a close eye out for what my munchkins were up to as well.

We were in the middle of handing out snacks and sippy cups, when I began scanning the sea of little heads looking for Avery. It's funny how when you're just even thinking out loud, "I don't see Avery", the moms around have an instant, simultaneous reaction. Their heads pop up, their brows narrow in as their eagle eyes search the crowd. Within seconds there is an unspoken, almost telepathic communication that says loud and clear, "She's not here."

I was out of my seat and exiting the play area faster than I could even think of where to begin searching. My friends were just steps behind me and quickly scattered every which way hoping that we'd cover every possible direction she could have gone. With Gracey on my hip I headed straight for the nearest parking lot exit (that Avery would have noticed) in fear that she would have gone outside near moving vehicles, but to be honest that wasn't the first nightmare that went racing through my head.

Somehow, with me, I instantly fear that someone has taken her... I know, that's a bit overboard for the first minute or so that I can't see her, but I can't help it and so I don't ignore it. After a few more minutes of calling out for her and cluelessly running from here to there, I found myself gearing up to shout at the top of my lungs. I didn't know what I was going to say, but it would have been loud and gotten lots of people's attention.

What seemed like 20 minutes passed (really it was about 5) and she was found. Avery had walked out of the (opened) enterence to the play area, and walked down a long tiled hallway that employees use. At the end of it was an elevatore and of course, my 2 year old, knows just how to use it. I can just imagine her proudly pressing the buttons and without a fear in the world, traveling alone up to the 2nd floor.

There on the 2nd floor Avery was spotted escorting herself off of the elevator. Some kind stranger looked down over the railing and called out to someone below that they had found her, and then kept her near until I could get to her. Of course, on my way up to get her, I felt myself crumbling under the flood of emotion that I was trying to hold back while looking for her. Those minutes of fearing the worst were enough to wipe me out for the rest of the day.

I tryed to compose myself a bit before Avery saw me crying. I wanted her to know how much she scared mommy and how dangerous that little maneuver was, but at the same time would she understand that that was why mommy was crying? Regardless, the tears kept coming, we had a stern chat and long hug, and I have no doubt that Avery saw how serious I was about her leaving mommy.

So... (deep sigh of relief)
Thank you to all my gals who treated the search for Avery like a search for their own child. Thank you Lord for keeping her safe and that she was never for one moment out of you sight.

I know that this sort of story sounds really familiar to mommies out there who've got toddlers... Isn't it just the WORST THING EVER??? UGH!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Poop Don't Stank!

It truly frightens me how often I realize that my kids are doing or saying something I never intended on teaching them. I'd like to say that there are only the loveliest of things that they are picking up from me, such as picking up toys, doing laundry, singing bible songs, sharing their food, etc. Unfortunately that's just not the case. Now as I am sure that my kids are learning some good for watching and listening to me, it's the not so good stuff that have been shining through lately. It moments like these that I'm noticing quite often in the Poncy house...

As I was straightening up the couch pillows for MILLIONTH time yesterday, I look over to see Avery very carefully expressing her maternal instincts and tending to the needs of her baby doll. As I watched quietly from a distance I quickly observe the situation that Avery found herself in. Her baby doll pooped.

After flipping the baby upside down to confirm the source of the smell, Avery ever so slightly says, "Uh-Oh. PooPoo". And then, proceeds the lay the baby on her blankie and get to work. Here is where the story goes a bit south... funny, but south. Pulling down the the diaper, Avery slowly leans forward with a look of hesitation.

Alas, the moment has arrived. The moment when I watched Avery perfectly act out exactly what I do approximately 5 time a day. As she peered in at the mess below, a look of disgust and horror came across her face. With a quick blow of stench out of her nose, she closes the diaper back up as though willing the problem to disappear. Looking at her sweet little baby doll Avery begins to say with a crinkled nose and shaking her head, "Oooo, icky, stincky, stinky poopoo". She reaches over to the dried out wipey that she sees on the floor beside them and begins to wipe up the mess carefully. All the while her head is slightly turned and is looking out from the corner of her eye. Luckily, when she was finished and the diaper was back on, she picked up her baby and with a big kiss, hug and a smile says, "Yaaa, all clean"!!!

Now, all this to say that I really hope I am not creating some sort of complex in my children. How horrible would it be if they have poop insecurities for the rest their life? I mean really! Not that anyone walks around proud of their "smelly deeds" (with the exception of my brother maybe). I guess the lesson that I will take from all of this is to maybe tone down the drama a bit. I don't need for my kids to think that their "Poop Don't Stank" (no one ever turns out quite right with that in mind)... But must I make a spectacle of those "brown lil' buns"? No. I really shouldn't. Even though me and the kiddos end up laughing about the silly faces and sounds mommy makes, I would hate for them to be feeling embarrassed or ashamed about such things :)

Just a thought,
Amber ;)