Monday, October 3, 2011

Okay, so I'm ready...

After a loooong break from blog postings, I can officially say that I'M BACK! Some may be wondering why I stopped in the first place, and some of you have already asked me. The answer is that I really just needed some time to evaluate WHY exactly I was blogging in the first place. The truth is that I found myself questioning what the point was for someone like me to have a blog. I don't have any particularly special talents or hobbies to showcase. I don't have a heart warming/inspiring cause that I use my blog to support. And I don't have an intriguing topic of which I am well studied or versed in.

Can you see how this puzzled me a bit? I needed a break to determine where this desire to blog was stemming from. In fear of being another brainless fad follower, who ends up with a blog that is drenched in self promotion, dreadfully egotistical, and is an eye rolling false reality... I quickly closed down shop.

Before I go any further, I should be clear on one thing. I am, by no means, a blog hater! In fact it's quite the contrary. There are many blogs that I really enjoy reading. God has used people I don't even know to bless me and teach me things through their words and photos/videos. How fantastic is it that we can reach so many people so easily now.

It may seem to some that I've spent too much time fretting about all this, after all "it's just a blog." But I couldn't disagree with them more. I would rather error on the side off not blogging at all than to have carelessly painted a picture myself/my life that is oh so far from the truth. I say careless because so many people don't even realize the perception they are putting out there for others to see. Prettying up some of the ugly truth does no body any good. It's in the ugliness that we see the beauty of Grace. I can relate with imperfection. How about you? I need a savior for a reason. I don't want to be afraid of saying so. If I'm going to take the time to blog... than for me, it better be for more than just showing pictures of my (totally awesome) family ;)

Do you get what I'm saying?
Is this making any sense?

It does in my head, but how it comes out is bit rough around the edges. And how appropriate! That's one of the ways I describe myself. Saved by grace and rough around the edges. God is at work in me and I have lots more to learn. I hope with all my heart, that I can share with you what's on my heart, and that it points you the heart of Jesus.


  1. Yay! So glad you are back to blogging. I love the idea of being real, both in mistakes and in beautiful/lovely pictures of your life. Can't wait to read/see it ALL...both the messy and the beautiful!

  2. Oh yes, there will be lots of both! I am loving your new blog too, by the way! How fun that we can be blog buddies :) Well, here's to sharing our hearts via blogger! Love you sister XOXO

  3. Great post. I wonder sometimes why I blog. It's good to re-evaluate yourself and to find where your'e investing time if it's a good thing or not, or if it's worth it.

  4. wooohooo!!! so glad you're back!!


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